Uses a data frame containing mass and fraction columns to generate a heatmap showing the distribution of masses per fraction with a vertical orientation. DEPRECATED because make_heatmap() now supports vertical orientations.
make_heatmap_vertical( df, heatmapType = "Protein", binSize = 1000, savePDF = FALSE, outputDir = getwd(), pdfPrefix = format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"), massColname = "ObservedPrecursorMass", fractionColname = "fraction", Yrange = NULL, countRange = NULL )
df | A data frame containing columns for mass (in Daltons) and fraction. |
heatmapType | Type of heatmap to create, typically "Protein" or "Proteoform".This only affects the legend title and output file name and can be any string. |
binSize | Size of the mass bin in Daltons. Masses in the data frame should be in Daltons. |
savePDF | Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). Should a PDF be saved to the output directory? |
outputDir | Directory to place output files in. |
pdfPrefix | String to use to prepend heatmap names. Defaults to date and time. |
massColname | Name of column containing masses. Defaults to "ObservedPrecursorMass". |
fractionColname | Name of column containing fractions. Defaults to "fraction". |
Yrange | Numeric vector of length 2 specifying range of heatmap in kDa. Defaults to NULL, and range is determined by rounding highest mass bin up to the nearest interval of 5. |
countRange | Numeric vector of length 2 specifying range of counts to use for generating heatmap fill color range. Defaults to NULL, which determines color range automatically using ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "C", direction = -1) |
library(magrittr) tibble::tibble( "fraction" = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3), "ObservedPrecursorMass" = c(1500,3000,4200,4250,3500,4500,10500,12050,12075,14050) ) %>% make_heatmap( heatmapType = "Proteoform", savePDF = F, binSize = 500 )#> Error in make_heatmap(., heatmapType = "Proteoform", savePDF = F, binSize = 500): unused argument (heatmapType = "Proteoform")