Extracts data from sheets in a top-down summary file and formats it for use in making an UpSet plot with UpSet_maker() or intersection degree plot with make_intersect_plot() . Searches for a sheet in the TDsummary named according to the arguments shortName and proteinSheetName, pformSheetName, or unfracSheetName in the form "shortName_sheetName", e.g. "peppi04d_fractions_protein". This function is included for use in the package author's workflow and may not be useful for others.
dissect_TDsummary( TDsummarypath, shortName = NULL, UpSetType = "protein", proteinSheetName = "fractions_protein", pformSheetName = "fractions_proteoform", unfracSheetName = "runs_protein" )
TDsummarypath | Full path to TDsummary file. Should be .xlsx format. |
shortName | Analysis shortnames to use to make UpSets. |
UpSetType | Type of UpSet plot to make - "protein", "proteoform", or "protein_unfrac" |
A list of UniProt accessions or proteoform record numbers properly formatted for use with the UpSet_maker() function.
if (FALSE) { dissect_TDsummary( "C:/Users/Bakunin/Documents/TDdatasummary.xlsx", c("peppi04d"), UpSetType = "protein" ) }